9 actions to create winter warrior: chest, shoulder, triceps, there is no cowardice!

Day 1 to build winter fighters: chest, shoulder, brachial, there is no cowardice!

First, the tabletDumbbell bench press

Number of groups: 4 Number of times: 8 Group rest time: 90 seconds

1. Hands holding a dumbbell, sitting on a bench, on the legs, palms relative. Then use the thigh to raise the dumbbell, lift one at a time, and then lie down with homeopathy while bending the arm to support the dumbbell, shoulder width, then contraction of the chest to lift the dumbbell.

2. Then slowly lower the dumbbells to both sides of the chest, while breathing. Until the chest is stretched to the limit .

3. Straighten up the arm, the dumbbell quickly pushed to the top of the chest, while exhale. Slightly stay at the top, feeling chest muscle contraction.

Second, the sloping dumbbell bench press

Number of groups: 4 Number of times: 8 Group rest time: 90 seconds

1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, sit on the stool, place it on the thigh, palm opposite each other.

2. Then raise your dumbbell with your thigh and hold it up one at a time, placing it on your chest, palm forward, shoulder width. Lying back to the back at the same time, chest abdomen.

3. Then pectoral muscles will push the dumbbell up, exhale at the same time.

4 arms straight, peak time to reach the top of a second contraction, and then slowly decline, while breathing. Pay attention to slow down slowly.

Third , push-ups

Number of groups: 3 Number of times: 10 Group break time: 60 seconds

1. Chest abdomen, trunk and leg to maintain a straight line.

2. Arms naturally straight perpendicular to the ground.

3. Both hands and shoulder width, always keep the back straight, elbows open diagonally.

Fourth, dumbbell shoulder press

Number of groups: 4 Number of times: 8 Group rest time: 90 seconds

1. hand holding a dumbbell, the elbow opening, carried the boom and the ground surface of the water flat position.

2. Straighten your arms up, raise your dumbbells over your head and exhale.

3. Then slowly fall dumbbells, while breathing.

Five, dumbbell side flat

Number of groups: 3 Number of times: 10 Group break time: 60 seconds

1. The body upright, each holding a dumbbell in both hands, both sides of the body naturally drooping, palm relative, feet open shoulder width.

2. Keep the arm micro-bend, the dumbbells to both sides of the body, while exhale, until shoulder-height. On the process of lifting, you can let the tiger's mouth slightly tilted down to better stimulate the shoulder in the beam.

3. Slightly stay at the top, feel the shoulder muscle contraction. Then dumbbell back down, while breathing.

Six, under the rope

Number of groups: 3 Number of times: 10 Group break time: 60 seconds

1. Connect the straight bar to the high pulley, then hold (palm down), shoulder width.

2. Torso upright, sticking the upper arm to your torso and perpendicular to the ground.

3. shrinkage brachial triceps lever pressed it just touches the thighs and arms fully extended and exhalation. The upper arm should always remain stationary and close to the torso, only the forearm moves.

4. After the peak shrinks for a second, lever slowly falls back and breathes in.

Seven, bent over dumbbell arm flexion and extension

Number of groups: 3 Number of times: 10 Group break time: 60 seconds

1. Hold a dumbbell with each hand, bend your knees slightly, bend your torso parallel to the ground, keep your back straight, your upper arm clings to your torso, parallel to the ground, and your forearm naturally droops.

2. Maintain the upper arm fixed, the use of triceps power dumbbell back up, exhale at the same time. Until the forearm and the ground parallel to the top of a little stay, feel severe contraction triceps.

3. Maintain the upper arm fixed, and then slowly fall back dumbbells, while breathing, the body may have a slight swing.

Eight, hanging leg

Number of groups: 3 Number of times: 12 Group break time: 30 seconds

1. Arm straight to hang himself on the horizontal bar, legs straight drooping.

2. Keep your knees slightly bent and lift your legs parallel to the ground while exhaling and staying at the top for one second.

3. Slowly fall back and inhale.

Nine, the opposite curl

Number of groups: 3 Number of times: 12 Group break time: 30 seconds

1. Lying on the bench, hands holding the bench, knees bent.

2. Contraction of the abdominal muscles will lift the knee close to the chest position, slowly rise and fall, control action.

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