Sweeteners threaten with diabetes and heart disease

Experts in the field of healthy eating told why dietary soda is dangerous for a diet. Like harmless sweeteners disrupt metabolism and wear out enzymes that protect us from diabetes.

Nowadays, artificial sweeteners can be found everywhere, but science has not yet formed a consensus on whether they are useful or harmful. Sweeteners are synthetic (for example, saccharin or aspartame), or natural (stevia), that is, extracted from plants. To date, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved 6 varieties of artificial and two types of natural sweetener for use in food. Aspartame contains almost 6,000 foodstuffs consumed worldwide, and the American Diabetes Association officially recommends dietary soda as an alternative to those containing real sugars.

However, medical research shows that sweeteners make their sad contribution to the development of chronic diabetes and cardiovascular diseases like real sugar. The problem with these seemingly non-calorie substances is that they are not digested during digestion into natural sugars such as glucose, fructose and galactose, subsequently used to produce energy or to be processed into fat. Sweeteners produce various by-products that do not turn into calories. For example, aspartame passes through a different metabolic process and does not become normal sugars. There is evidence that sweeteners affect healthy metabolic processes.

Long-term use of sweeteners is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Aspartame reduces the activity of the enzyme in the intestines, providing protection from diabetes. A sweetener deceives the body, which for sweet taste in the mouth expects to receive something high-calorie. As a result, the metabolic system is called dysregulated. In addition, sweeteners alter brain activity associated with eating sweet foods.

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